COVID-19 MD Student Resources
The NM Respiratory Virus Questionnaire
The Respiratory Virus Questionnaire (RVQ) should be used for three specific scenarios:
- Respiratory illness symptoms and no confirmed diagnosis (you need a test)
- To report a positive test result for COVID-19 (including a positive rapid at-home antigen test)
- Recent exposure to COVID-19 at work
Policies, guidelines and resources you need to train safely and responsibly.

Clinical Activities Guidelines
- MD Student Guidelines for Clinical Care Activities
Find program-specific guidelines for clinical training. - PPE Videos
Find videos on proper donning and doffing technique.
Student Guidance & Guidelines
Need specific information? Hotlines are open to respond.
- For campus concerns, contact Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine's confidential, monitored hotline at 312-503-3437.
- For information on testing options, fill out the NM Respiratory Virus Questionnaire. Additionally, you may call the NM COVID-19 Hotline at 312-47-COVID (312-472-6843) and follow the prompts.
Northwestern Medicine Guidelines
Northwestern Medicine offers a number of resources for training in clinical spaces through their Physician Forum.
PPE FAQS FOR NM WORKFORCEClinical FAQ for NM WorkforceVisit the NM Physician Forum SiteFAQ for Students
What should I do if I have respiratory illness symptoms?
- Stay home or go home if you are at work
- M1s and M2s: Notify your Phase coordinator, Allison Matricaria and Dean Zimmerman
M3s and M4s: Notify your Clerkship/Elective/Selective Coordinator AND Director, Allison Matricaria and Dean Zimmerman - Fill out and submit the NM Respiratory Virus Questionnaire (RVQ) as soon as you start to feel symptoms, unless you have ruled out COVID-19 by testing positive for another respiratory illness, such as flu, RSV or strep throat
What should I do if I have been exposed to COVID-19?
If you were exposed to COVID-19 outside of work and do not have symptoms, you do not need to fill out the questionnaire.
If you have had a workplace exposure, you will need to fill out the NM Respiratory Virus Questionnaire.
What should I do if I have tested positive for a respiratory illness other than COVID-19 (e.g., influenza, RSV, etc.)?
- You do not need to fill out the questionnaire.
- Follow the below return-to-work guidance.
General return-to-work criteria for non-COVID-19 illness is as follows:
Confirmed FLU+ |
Confirmed RSV+ |
Other CLI/ILI Symptoms 1 |
7 Days 4 High-Risk Units Only 2, 3 |
Not Required |
Not Required |
- For other CLI/ILI symptoms, return-to-work criteria includes: rule-out of COVID-19 with a negative PCR, and rule-out of flu for individuals who work on high-risk units (see notes 2 and 3).
- High-risk units apply to the following units on the NMH campus: All ICU and transplant units, including Prentice 14, 15 and 16; Feinberg 11E and 14E; and Galter 10 and 12.
- Any other unit at any NM hospital may be declared a high-risk unit at the discretion of Infection Prevention.
- To count days for return-to-work, the onset of symptoms happens on Day 0. Day 1 begins the next calendar day. For example: If symptoms begin on Sunday, Sunday is Day 0; Monday is Day 1; and the next Sunday is Day 7).
How is COVID-19 spread?
- COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person to person in respiratory droplets from someone who is infected.
- The respiratory droplets are produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, clears their throat, or talks.
- Respiratory droplets carry the virus and can land in the mouths, noses, eyes and possibly be inhaled into the lungs of people nearby.
- The respiratory droplets can survive on surfaces for up to 2-3 days. It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes.
- COVID-19 may be spread by people without symptoms (either prior to the development of symptoms or through asymptomatic cases).
- It can take 2-14 days from the time of exposure to become symptomatic.
What can I do to lower my risk of exposure to COVID-19?
- Wear a mask.
- Maintain social distance (at least 6 feet) whenever possible including when eating at work.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Wear appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment).
- Get vaccinated.
Can I participate in educational and clinical activities if I have been exposed to COVID-19?
- If you are asymptomatic, you may continue to participate. We encourage you to remain masked while on campus if you have a known close-contact exposure.
- If you become symptomatic, fill out the NM Respiratory Virus Questionnaire. Notify Dean Zimmerman, Allison Matricaria and your ECMH preceptor/clerkship director/coordinator/phase coordinator as applicable. Do NOT report to the hospital/clinic/campus until you have been tested.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
- Symptoms of COVID-19 may include fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chest pain, myalgias, fatigue, headache, GI symptoms (e.g. nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea), and new loss of taste or smell.
- Symptoms of COVID-19 can vary in severity and some people with COVID-19 may be asymptomatic.
- It can take 2-14 days from the time of exposure to become symptomatic.
If I tested positive for COVID-19, when can I return to work?
You will not longer need to request Return to Work Clearance from the online questionnaire. Instead, please use the following guidance for return to work:
- Complete the five-day COVID-19 isolation period (Day 0 is the day of symptom onset, or the date of the positive test, whichever comes first)-- you may return on Day 6 in most instances
- Fever free < 100°F for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
- Respiratory symptoms are significantly improved for 24 hours without the use of medication.
- You must wear a respirator or tight-fitting surgical mask at all times through Day 10. Sit at least 6 feet apart from others before removing your mask to eat or drink.
- You cannot work with patients who are immunocompromised until Day 11
If I tested negative for COVID-19, when can I return to work?
If you are COVID-19 negative, including those who test positive for flu or RSV, you may return once the following criteria are met:
- Fever free < 100°F for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
- Respiratory symptoms are significantly improved for 24 hours without the use of medication.
What if I test positive for flu and I am an M3/M4 on clinical rotations?
M3/M4 students with confirmed influenza must wait 7 days to return to work in High-Risk units (ICU, transplant units, including Prentice 14, 15, 16; Feinberg 11E and 14E; Galter 10 and 12). Please work with your rotation coordinator and director to make any necessary clinical scheduling adjustments.
How do I get tested for COVID-19?
- If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or an exposure fill out the NM Respiratory Virus Questionnaire. If appropriate, an order will be placed in Epic and you will be notified via MyNM
- We are located in the Central Region. Once an order for COVID-19 testing appears in your MyNM account you can proceed to the street level of the Lavin Pavillion (259 E Erie St) for walk-up or drive-through testing between the hours of 7am and 3pm.