Ann Marie Flores, PT, PhD
Cancer Rehabilitation Studies (CARES) Laboratory
The mission of the CARES laboratory is to translate research on cancer rehabilitation into national and international standards of care for cancer survivors of all backgrounds.
- Flores' Publications
- Cancer Survivorship Institute at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University
- American Cancer Society
- American Physical Therapy Association - Geriatrics Section
- American Physical Therapy Association - Oncology Section
- American Physical Therapy Association - Women's Health Section
- National Cancer Institute/NIH
- National Cancer Policy Forum
Current Projects
- Breast Cancer Impairments Knowledge Survey (BRIKS) Study funded by the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research (PI: Flores)
- Moving on Study - Pilot Test (MOST-PT) funded by the Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Research Foundation (PI: Flores)
Graduate Student Research
- Catherine Rosenberg, PhD candidate (Rutgers' University), is working on a novel computational method to measure volume for people with cancer-related lymphedema. The CARES lab is a participating site.
- Kelsey Keener, Scott Grumeretz and Maria Fernanda Queveda are DPT students working on a synthesis project focused on physical therapy concerns of those with head and neck cancer.
- Kimberly Ramirez and Angelica Whaley are DPT students working on the lymphedema novel measurement project.
Principal Investigator
Laboratory Staff
- Amador Rosales, BS, lab coordinator
- Jasmine Benitez, BS, research assistant
- Nilesh Mukerjhi, Nequa Valley High School, intern
Collaborating Faculty
- William J. Blot, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN
- Andrea Cheville, MD, MCS, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
- Melissa Eden, DPT, PhD candidate, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ
- Angela Fought, MS, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
- Mary Lou Galantino, PT, PhD, Stockton University, Galloway, NJ
- Sofia Garcia, PhD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
- William Gradishar, MD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
- Nora Hansen, MD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
- Maura Iversen, PT, PhD, Northwestern University, Boston, MA
- Sheetal Kircher, MD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
- Desmond Lun, PhD, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ
- Bonnie Martin-Harris, SLP, PhD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
- Dinorah Martinez-Tyson, PhD, University of Southern Florida, Tampa Bay, FL
- Frank Penedo, PhD, University of Miami, Miami, FL
- Bryan Spinelli, DPT, PhD, Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Contact the Lab
For more information on CARES lab activities, please call 312-503-5638.