Below is a list of Institute for AI in Medicine members. Visit the Center for Bioethics & Medical Humanities site for a listing of its members.
Interested in joining the Institute for AI in Medicine?
Post, Lori Ann
Professor, Emergency Medicine, Medical Social Sciences (Determinants of Health)
Ragin, Ann
Research Professor, Radiology (Basic and Translational Radiology Research)
Rasmussen-Torvik, Laura J
Professor, Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology)
Reish, Nicholas J
Clinical Assistant Professor, Neurology (Stroke and Vascular Neurology)
Rosiere, Lucas C
Clinical Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
Rymer, William Z
Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neuroscience
Sanchez-Pinto, Lazaro N
Associate Professor, Pediatrics (Critical Care), Preventive Medicine (Biostatistics and Informatics)
Sciarra, John J
Professor Emeritus, Obstetrics and Gynecology (General Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Shah, Sanjiv J
Professor, Medicine (Cardiology)
Singer, Benjamin D
Associate Professor, Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care), Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics