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Participate in an Alumni Committee

Volunteer on one of our MAA committees, which include:
Alumni and Student Connections | Half Century ClubInclusion and Allyship | The Business of Medicine | Women in Medicine

 Alumni and Student Connections Committee

The Alumni and Student Connections Committee focuses on the mentoring of current students—medical and premedical—as well as alumni. This is accomplished through the creation and implementation of new opportunities for alumni and students to engage in mentoring and networking through larger events, small groups, and one-on-one interaction.

Participate in the Medical School Mentoring Program

An annual Mentoring Lunch is held during Alumni Weekend. Alumni from a variety of specialties and geographic locations are invited to participate and share about their career choices and answer questions from students.

Participate in the HOST (Help Our Students Travel) Program

The HOST (Help Our Students Travel) Program is a service provided by alumni to senior medical students and physicians completing their residencies at Northwestern. Alumni from around the country provide assistance and advice as these students travel to a clinical rotation out of the area or interview for residencies, as well as for residents who are interviewing for positions.

Participate in Alumni Physicians of Feinberg

These casual evening gatherings are organized by the MAA in partnership with current Feinberg students, wherein a small group of students joins with a chosen alum to discuss topics including choosing specialties, maintaining work/life balance, and working outside of academic medicine. The program aims to give students a wider array of perspectives on being a physician than they receive in the classroom.

Co-Chairs, Alumni and Student Connections Committee


Emily Jones, ’08 MD, ’11 GMER


Jeffrey J. Schaider ’83, ’85 MD

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 Half Century Club Committee

The Half Century Club Committee fosters communication and engagement among Northwestern University School of Medicine alumni past their 50-Year reunion. The Half Century Club (HCC) recognizes our alumni who graduated 50+ years ago and celebrates their dedication to the betterment of human health. The committee encourages Half Century Club members to connect with fellow alumni, join local or virtual events, celebrate at reunion gatherings, and regale us with tales of your career.

Chair, Half Century Club Committee

Gary Rusk, MD

Gary Rusk ’65, ’69 MD

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 Inclusion and Allyship Committee

The Inclusion and Allyship committee unites and supports the alumni community and current students at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine who represent diverse experiences of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, socioeconomic status, and/or physical ability. Through five central pillars—advocacy, mentorship, philanthropy, outreach, and education—this group of medical alumni and students supports the medical school and the Medical Alumni Association Board. Inclusion and Allyship also partners and aligns with similar diversity efforts within the Northwestern Medicine community, including the medical school’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion, and welcomes everyone.

Inclusion and Allyship Facebook Page

Follow the Inclusion and Allyship Facebook page for a year-round, online venue seeking to unite and support the alumni community and current students of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine who represent diverse life experiences such as (but not limited to) race, sexual orientation, disability, or gender identity.

Inclusion and Allyship Instagram Page

Follow the Inclusion and Allyship Instagram page for pictures, stories, events, and information representing and celebrating the diversity and life experiences of our alumni population.

Co-Chairs, Inclusion and Allyship Committee


Javier Guevara Jr., ’12 MD  


Darren E. Wethers, ’88 MD

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 The Business of Medicine Committee

The Business of Medicine Committee aims to help facilitate connections and sharing between current students, faculty, and alumni who are working or interested in business roles in healthcare.

The committee seeks to create value by:

  • Creating awareness and networking opportunities for alumni working in business.
  • Providing mentoring and internship opportunities for current students and alumni.
  • Establishing the support system between the MDs in the business program and the medical school.

The Business of Medicine LinkedIn Group

Join the Business of Medicine LinkedIn group. This group aims to help facilitate connections and sharing between current students, faculty, and alumni working or interested in business roles in healthcare. It is exclusive to alumni, faculty, and current students at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Co-Chairs, The Business of Medicine Committee


Alan M. Kumar ’95, ’98 MD                       


Jeffrey Sherman, MD, ’84 GMER, ’85 GMER


Michael J. Vasconcelles ’85, ’89 MD

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 Women in Medicine Committee

The Women in Medicine (WIM) committee hosts events for women in medicine, both locally and across the country, in order to promote women’s issues, challenges, and opportunities in the workplace. By uniting female physicians at conferences, symposia, and informal networking events, WIM helps women in medicine gain skills and connections that foster professional and personal development in all stages of their careers.

Women in Medicine Facebook Group

Join the Women in Medicine Facebook group, a year-round venue to share personal perspectives and freely discuss issues that are important to women in the medical profession.

Women in Medicine Instagram Page

Join the Northwestern Alumni Women in Medicine Instagram page to stay current on upcoming WIM events and updates.

Co-Chairs, Women in Medicine Committee


Kavitha Gandhi ’94, ’98 MD, ’99 GMER  


Shelly Vaziri Flais ’95, ’99 MD, ’02 GMER

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