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Anushree Aneja


Class of 2027

Home city and state: Solon, Ohio

Undergraduate study:

University of Pennsylvania - BA in Neuroscience with a minor in Healthcare Management

Student organizations and affinity groups

  • Chicago Medicine and Street Outreach
  • South Asian Medical Student Association

 Hi! My name is Anushree Aneja and I am currently an M1 at the Feinberg School of Medicine. I'm originally from Cleveland, Ohio, went to the University of Pennsylvania for undergrad, did my gap year in Baltimore, and now I'm very excited to be back in the Midwest! During undergrad, I studied Neuroscience where I did basic science research and in my gap year I did clinical research in Pediatric Infectious Disease. I can definitely speak about my experiences with both types of research if you have any questions regarding that! Outside of class, I really enjoy trying new restaurants, reading, going for a walk or run along Lake Michigan, listening to Taylor Swift and sometimes painting! If you have any questions regarding life in Chicago, the process of figuring out a specialty, study tips and tricks, or anything about Feinberg in general, please feel free to email me!

Why did you choose Feinberg?

I chose Feinberg for a variety of reasons. Not only was there an emphasis on early clinical engagement with the integration of ECMHs into the curriculum, as well as numerous opportunities for clinical volunteering, but there was also a great sense of support and camaraderie amongst the students and the faculty. The students have a great sense of work-life balance and the faculty are immensely passionate and excited about teaching and want all students to do the best that they can. Not only this, but the vast number of chances there are to engage with the surrounding Chicago area and provide service to my community was something that was also very important to me.

What do you enjoy most about living in Chicago?

I love how accessible things are. Not only is it a very walkable city, but the public transit is very well-connected and can get me to different parts of the city very quickly. There is such a great amount of diversity and a wide variety of cultures to be exposed to just within this city and this reflects in the people, the attractions, and the food. Not only are there numerous things to do in the city, but there is also a great connection with nature, with all the beautiful biking and walking trails along Lake Michigan and the numerous parks. 

How would you describe the curriculum at Feinberg? What do you find unique or innovative?

I would describe the curriculum at Feinberg as very well-rounded. I really appreciate how in one week we don't just get instructed on the biological sciences, but we also frequently get opportunities to interact with SPs, learn about medicine impacting your lifestyle, health equity, and social determinants of health. I think what is particularly unique about Feinberg is the emphasis on early clinical training - with the ECMHs, I know that I will gain an immense amount of experience in patient and primary care which will set me up terrifically for my rotations and as a resident. Being able to interact so frequently with patients not only through ECMHs, but also through the various free clinics throughout the city starting from M1 year, really makes this experience all the more surreal to me and helps me feel like I am making a tangible impact in my surrounding community.

Topics I can discuss with prospective students:

  • Life in Chicago
  • Campus Life
  • Academic Support (studying, learning)
  • Student Organizations, Affinity Groups
  • ECMH
  • AOSC/Research

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