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FAME | Assessment of Health Equity in Education Scholarship: Expansion of Glassick's Criteria - Education Scholarship Session
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Assessment of Health Equity in Education Scholarship: Expansion of Glassick's Criteria
Robyn Ann Bockrath, MD, MEd
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Hospital-Based Medicine), Medical Education
Jennifer L Trainor, MD
Associate Chair for Education, Department of Pediatrics
Professor, Pediatrics (Emergency Medicine), Medical Education
Learning Objectives:
1) Define health equity and provide an overview of its current state in medical education
2) Describe Glassick s Criteria and their impact on education scholarship
3) Integrate health equity assessment in education scholarship through expansion of Glassick s Criteria
4) Apply a health equity criterion to the education scholarship of teaching and discovery
5) Consider how postpositivist, constructivist, and critical paradigms influence the use of health equity criterion
6) Summarize how medical education scholarship can enhance health equity
TIME Lecture Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
TIME (Today's Innovations in Medical Education) is a monthly series open to Feinberg faculty, students and staff who have a passion for medical education. Topics often highlight advances in technology, new pedagogy, inclusive environments, and emerging best practices in health professions education.
Education Scholarship Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
The Education Scholarship Series are lectures for anyone within the Feinberg community who strives to better their approaches to writing about healthcare-education-based research. Topics often highlight development of healthcare-education-based research questions, research writing methodologies and writing skills.
TIME Lecture Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
TIME (Today's Innovations in Medical Education) is a monthly series open to Feinberg faculty, students and staff who have a passion for medical education. Topics often highlight advances in technology, new pedagogy, inclusive environments, and emerging best practices in health professions education.
Education Scholarship Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
The Education Scholarship Series are lectures for anyone within the Feinberg community who strives to better their approaches to writing about healthcare-education-based research. Topics often highlight development of healthcare-education-based research questions, research writing methodologies and writing skills.
TIME Lecture Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
TIME (Today's Innovations in Medical Education) is a monthly series open to Feinberg faculty, students and staff who have a passion for medical education. Topics often highlight advances in technology, new pedagogy, inclusive environments, and emerging best practices in health professions education.
Education Scholarship Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
The Education Scholarship Series are lectures for anyone within the Feinberg community who strives to better their approaches to writing about healthcare-education-based research. Topics often highlight development of healthcare-education-based research questions, research writing methodologies and writing skills.
TIME Lecture Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
TIME (Today's Innovations in Medical Education) is a monthly series open to Feinberg faculty, students and staff who have a passion for medical education. Topics often highlight advances in technology, new pedagogy, inclusive environments, and emerging best practices in health professions education.
Education Scholarship Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
The Education Scholarship Series are lectures for anyone within the Feinberg community who strives to better their approaches to writing about healthcare-education-based research. Topics often highlight development of healthcare-education-based research questions, research writing methodologies and writing skills.
TIME Lecture Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
TIME (Today's Innovations in Medical Education) is a monthly series open to Feinberg faculty, students and staff who have a passion for medical education. Topics often highlight advances in technology, new pedagogy, inclusive environments, and emerging best practices in health professions education.
Education Scholarship Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
The Education Scholarship Series are lectures for anyone within the Feinberg community who strives to better their approaches to writing about healthcare-education-based research. Topics often highlight development of healthcare-education-based research questions, research writing methodologies and writing skills.
TIME Lecture Series | FAME
Online - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
TIME (Today's Innovations in Medical Education) is a monthly series open to Feinberg faculty, students and staff who have a passion for medical education. Topics often highlight advances in technology, new pedagogy, inclusive environments, and emerging best practices in health professions education.