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Pediatrics PSTP

The McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University pediatric residency program at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago wants to recruit residents with MD-PhD degrees or otherwise have unique experiences that indicate a strong commitment to a career in research. The Physician-Scientist Training Program (PSTP) experience is designed to facilitate the development of accepted candidates into academic clinician-investigators.

current & past scholars learn about pediatrics research

Program Details

 Program Structure

Applicants should apply to the Categorical Pediatrics or Child Neurology Training Programs of the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University through ERAS. In addition to their application through ERAS, applicants should submit the Supplemental Pediatric PSTP Application. If not already included in the ERAS application, a letter of recommendation from the principal research mentor and one additional letter from an individual familiar with the applicant’s research potential must be included.

Interview days are in conjunction with the Pediatric Residency Program. The program will involve a half-day of meetings with PSTP leadership and research faculty at Lurie and Northwestern who are aligned with the candidate’s career goals.

Acceptance into the program will be via the National Resident Matching Program and will be based on commitment to and potential for a career in academic medicine as a physician-scientist.

Northwestern University does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, parental status, marital status, age, disability, citizenship or veteran status in matters of admissions, employment, housing or services or in the educational programs or activities it operates.


 Guidance & Support

Each participant in the PSTP will receive guidance from two members of the faculty. Upon joining the program, scholars are linked with a career mentor who serves as a sounding board for decisions involving program structure, choice of a research mentor and long-term career issues. The research mentor is chosen after the scholar determines the ideal research environment for career development. This can occur at any time during the first several years in the program. Trainees may work with any research program at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

During residency and fellowship training, scholars are supported with supplemental funds for books, journals and travel to conferences. Additional support is available for some laboratory expenses.

 Application Process

Applicants should apply to the Categorical Pediatrics or Child Neurology Training Programs of the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University through ERAS. In addition to their application through ERAS, applicants should submit the Supplemental Pediatric PSTP Application. If not already included in the ERAS application, a letter of recommendation from the principal research mentor and one additional letter from an individual familiar with the applicant’s research potential must be included.

Interview days are in conjunction with the Pediatric Residency Program. The program will involve a half-day of meetings with PSTP leadership and research faculty at Lurie and Northwestern who are aligned with the candidate’s career goals.

Acceptance into the program will be via the National Resident Matching Program and will be based on commitment to and potential for a career in academic medicine as a physician-scientist.

Northwestern University does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, parental status, marital status, age, disability, citizenship or veteran status in matters of admissions, employment, housing or services or in the educational programs or activities it operates.


As a PSTP scholar, you will be assigned a career mentor at the beginning of your residency. The career mentor and PSTP director will work with you to identify a research mentor as soon as possible.

In collaboration with the residency program director, you'll design a residency and fellowship program track to fulfill your needs.

You'll also have the opportunity to accelerate your training by completing residency in two years or to spend concentrated elective time in third residency year working in a lab.

Yearly benefits include:

  • Year 1: Assigned a career mentor; up to $4,000 for books and travel
  • Year 2: Up to $4,000 for books and travel
  • Year 3: As a resident, up to $4,000 for books and travel; if fast-tracking, clinical subspecialty training emphasis
  • Fellowship Years (PGY-3 or -4, depending upon track): Up to $4,000 for books and travel if training is primarily clinical, or up to $10,000 per year if active in the laboratory for additional expenses related to research.
  • Potential Research Year: The department will consider the option of a fourth year as a fellow to spend virtually entirely in research

Contact Us

Alison Bender

  • Manager, Office of the President & Chief Research Officer
  • Coordinator, Northwestern Pediatrics Physician Scientist Training Program @ Lurie Children’s (PSTP)

Patrick C. Seed, MD, PhD, FAAP, FIDSA

  • President and Chief Research Officer, Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute
  • Children’s Research Fund Chair in Basic Science
  • Professor of Pediatrics, Microbiology & Immunology
  • Director, Host-Microbial Interactions, Inflammation, and Immunity (HMI3) Program
  • Director, Northwestern Pediatrics Physician Scientist Training Program @ Lurie Children’s (PSTP)
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Divakar S. Mithal, MD, PhD

  • Assistant Professor, Neurology and Epilepsy
  • Associate Director, Northwestern Pediatrics Physician Scientist Training Program @ Lurie Children’s (PSTP)
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Catherine D. Michelson, MD, MSSc

Program Director, Pediatric Residency Program

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Jennifer Trainor, MD

Associate Chair, Education
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