Student engagement is a central feature of the Northwestern University MSTP. Students have the unique ability to shape the program by working closely with leadership to evaluate its activities and develop initiatives to meet changing student needs. Students can assume formal leadership roles within the MSTP through one of the following groups:
Student Council
The Student Council consists of elected student leaders who meet regularly with program directors and staff to share student concerns and discuss program-related matters. The Student Council co-chairs oversee and coordinate the council's responsibilities, which include (but are not limited to): brainstorming programming for the annual Student-Faculty Retreat; organizing surveys and other student initiatives to gather student feedback related to the program; and developing student wellness initiatives.
Outreach Committee
Admissions Task Force
The Admissions Task Force is a student-led committee that works closely with our chair of admissions and our admissions committee. The group assists with recruitment activities and participates in the annual review of the MSTP interview and admissions process.
To learn more about the initiatives these committees have helped develop, visit our Mentoring Events page.