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Read the latest news from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s Department of Cell & Developmental Biology. The links below take you to articles where you can learn more about our faculty’s latest achievements, awards and honors.

  • 06.25.2024

    Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed a new technique to identify individual cells for RNA sequencing, which will empower scientists to gather more accurate and precise scientific data, according to details published in Cell Genomics.

  • 06.18.2024

    Yogesh Goyal, PhD, and Ann Kennedy, PhD, have been named 2024 Pew Scholars by The Pew Charitable Trusts, which recognizes promising early-career investigators whose research will accelerate discovery and translation in the biomedical sciences.

  • 03.22.2024

    Scientists have characterized how non-muscle myosin assembles in cells using the latest advances in technology only available at Northwestern and a handful of institutions worldwide, according to a study published in the Journal of Cell Biology.

  • 02.20.2024

    Investigators at Northwestern Medicine and the Flatiron Institute have characterized how developing cells reorganize their cytoplasm as part of their growth, according to a study published in Nature Physics, a discovery which furthers the field’s understanding of basic cellular processes at the earliest stages of development.

  • 12.19.2023

    Decreased activity of a specific signaling pathway in the brain vessels of aging mice and humans was linked to a decline in vascular function and subsequent neurodegeneration, according to a recent Northwestern Medicine study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

  • 10.09.2023

    Northwestern Medicine scientists have identified how cytoskeletal proteins contribute to the growth of developing eggs in fruit flies, findings which further the understanding of how egg cells form and differentiate themselves from other cells, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  • 09.19.2023 | Northwestern Medicine magazine - Summer 2023

    Arthur Veis, ’51 PhD, professor emeritus, died on Sunday, April 24, 2023. He was born in 1925, served in the U.S. Navy in WWII and enrolled in the Department of Chemistry at Northwestern University, where he earned a PhD with Irving Klotz. He was actively engaged in science until very recently. Veis, known as “Art” by his colleagues, is widely recognized for his scientific achievements in several disciplines. His first major contributions were in elucidating the molecular structure of Type I collagen fibrils. In recent years he turned his interests to the topic of biomineralization, a field he helped create. He was never afraid to try new techniques and approaches. These often produced remarkable insights still cited in the literature. As one colleague said, “Art stood head and shoulders above his contemporaries, typically those with loud voices and sharp elbows.” In addition to his formidable abilities as an investigator and organizer, Veis was always a very welcoming, supportive, and positive person. He was an active mentor, having educated many PhD students and post-docs. At his 90th birthday party in 2015, dozens of former colleagues traveled to celebrate with him and many, many more from abroad sent warm greetings.

    This tribute was written by Veis’s colleagues in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology Stuart Stock, PhD, and Alvin Telser, PhD.

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