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Frequently Asked Questions

 What is the difference between ‘Data Coordinating’ and ‘Data Analysis’?

At NUDACC, we think of Data Coordinating as data collection tool development including case report forms and databases, ongoing data quality assurance and curation, and regulatory reporting.  We think of Data Analysis as the statistical analyses that are conducted on accumulated data. At NUDACC we tightly link Data Coordinating and Data Analysis and are involved in both components of our studies.

 What is the fee for NUDACC collaboration?

At this time, there is no fee for grant development with NUDACC collaborators. Active studies must support NUDACC.

 What types of grant applications does NUDACC write?

NUDACC will collaborate with lead investigators to simultaneously submit companion R01s and Clinical Coordinating and Data Coordinating Centers. NUDACC will also participate in U-grant submissions, particularly when a distinct Data and Statistics Unit of some type is included in the RFA.  NUDACC will also contribute to the submission of large single R01s; depending on the scope of the projects, MPI status of the NUDACC lead may benefit the application.

 What database platform does NUDACC use?

At this time NUDACC databases are primarily built in REDCap.

 Does NUDACC participate in Protocol and Manual of Operations development?

NUDACC is committed to collaborative leadership of multidisciplinary teams. NUDACC investigators will contribute to all data and statistics related components of Protocol and Manual of Operations development. Depending on the nature of the collaboration, NUDACC Project Managers can also be involved in sustaining the pace and accountability of drafting these documents.