Research in the Department of Neuroscience emphasizes quantitative studies of the nervous system. Our research spans the full spectrum of investigation into neural function and dysfunction, bridging the levels of genes, molecules, dendrites, axons, cell types, circuits, systems, and behavior. Approaches used are richly diverse and include biophysics, viral transfection, optogenetics, electrophysiology, morphological reconstruction, multiphoton imaging, in vivo recordings, behavioral paradigms, neuroprosthetics, computational analysis, and more. Common threads in our richly diverse research programs are multi-level, interdisciplinary, innovative, and highly collaborative approaches to pursuing high-impact neuroscience research. A wide range of model organisms, cell types, and neural systems are well represented. Many different disease models are studied. For trainees the department's resources offer an exceptionally vibrant and exciting learning environment.
Areas of Research
Our experts are conducting research in the following fields:

Meet Our Partners
Explore the department's affiliated centers.
Center for Autism & Neurodevelopment
The center aims to support interdisciplinary scientific collaborations that will help us better understand the biological bases of autism and related neurodevelopment disorders.Center for Translational Pain Research
The center aims to expand our understanding of the mechanisms of pain to develop new, non-opioid treatments for managing and relieving acute and chronic pain conditions.
Conte Center
The Conte Center aims to understand how gene expression and associated gene function within key neuronal subtypes regulates neurobiological substrates required to form cortical circuits that enable decision-making and behavioral adaptations.
Our Close Collaborators
Our scientists collaborate frequently with the following teams:- Northwestern University Interdepartmental Neuroscience
- McCormick School of Engineering
- Northwestern-Argonne Institute of Science & Engineering
- Shirley Ryan
Learn how we support research to determine the behavioral effects of genetic manipulations, potential pharmaceuticals, aging and other manipulations upon normal behavior.