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Program Director's Message

In this new era of data deluge, the sheer volume and complexity of information available to society demands a new generation of scholars able to wield sophisticated tools and guide the broader world toward making the most informed decisions possible. The field of Biostatistics leverages that essential expertise to process complex datasets and guide leaders in public health, medicine, and biology. Highly qualified biostatisticians can deploy analytical skills to inform public health policies, analyze the efficacy of newly developed drugs, and uncover long-sought genes that perpetuate illness and disease.

The Master of Science in Biostatistics (MSB) program at Northwestern University prepares the future generation of thinkers and strategists able to tackle a vast spectrum of subjects ranging from clinical trials to genetics and epidemiological research.

The one-year MSB is a unique and fast-paced program, offered through the Program in Public Health at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Through it, students will gain knowledge in core biostatistics courses, data programming in R and SAS, and selective and elective subjects such as data management, statistical genetics, and clinical trials. All students will complete a thesis project, working in collaboration with investigators to address novel, real-world research questions.

Three MS in Biostatistics concentrations foster curriculum flexibility to meet a range of professional needs and interests. These are the Concentration in Statistical Bioinformatics, the Concentration in Statistical Methods and Practice, and the Concentration in Population Health Analytics.

  • Concentrations in Statistical Bioinformatics as well as Statistical Methods and Practice, are designed for college graduates who are interested in working as statistical analysts or programmers on research teams.
  • Concentration in Statistical Bioinformatics emphasizes cutting-edge computation and analysis for genomics and other bioinformatics "big data," while the concentration in Statistical Methods and Practice encompasses a broader range of statistical theory and methods for data from health and medical research settings.
  • The concentration in Population Health Analytics is designed for college graduates or students with professional degrees (e.g., MD, DPT, allied health professionals) who intend to plan, direct and execute health research. This concentration emphasizes both biostatistical and epidemiological methods for population health research.

Steeped in the tradition of Northwestern University and taught by some of today’s most prolific biostatisticians, the MSB seeks individuals of character and drive who are eager to play a critical role in shaping our world.

To learn more about the degree or speak to an advisor, please contact us.

Program Director Kwang-Youn Kim headshotKwang-Youn Kim, PhD
Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine in the Division of Biostatistics
Program Director, Master of Biostatistics