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Student Outcomes

Leadership Outcomes

Students bring varying levels of experience in quality and safety leadership to the program. Nearly 50 percent of all incoming students already held a quality- or safety-related leadership role at the start of the program. Most students either start a new position in quality or safety or increase their leadership role in the quality or safety position they held before beginning the program.

88.5%of all students started or increased their Q/S leadership role by program completion
80.5%of students who held a Q/S leadership position at the start of the program increased their Q/S role by program completion
61.0%of students without a Q/S role at start of program attained a Q/S position by program completion

Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Clinical Foci

Diversity across professions and clinical disciplines allows students to learn from the varied perspectives and experiences of their peers. Historically, students have brought expertise from a wide range of professions and clinical foci.

Interprofessional Cohorts

  • Physician: 59.1%
  • Nurse: 16.5%
  • Admin: 8.7%
  • Allied Health: 3.2%
  • Pharmacist: 2.4%
  • Social Worker: 1.6%
  • Consultant: 1.6%
  • Engineer: 1.6%
  • Lawyer: 1.6%
  • Medical Student: 1.6%
  • Journalist: 0.8%
  • Medical Librarian: 0.8%
  • Physical Therapy: 0.8%

Interdisciplinary Clinical Foci

  • Medicine: 29.7%
    Cardiology, Gastroenterology; Geriatrics; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Pulmonology/Critical Care
  • Pediatrics: 25.4%
    Allergy & Immunology; Anesthesiology; Cardiology; Emergency Medicine; Hematology; Neonatology; Orthopaedic Surgery; Otolaryngology; Pulmonology/Critical Care; Surgery
  • Cross Focus: 12.7%
    Blood Blank; School Nurse; Simulation
  • Surgery: 8.5%
    Colorectal; General; Oncology; Otolaryngology; Pulmonology/Critical Care; Surgical Services; Trauma
  • Emergency Medicine: 5.9%
  • OB/GYN: 5.1%
    Labor and Delivery; Oncology
  • Radiology: 5.1%
    Diagnostic Ultrasound; Information Systems
  • Anesthesiology: 2.5%
    Obstetric; PACU
  • Family and Community Medicine: 2.5%
    Preventative Medicine
  • Pharmacy: 1.7%
  • Rehabilitation Medicine: 0.8%

Capstone Projects

As part of their learning and the program’s evaluation of HQPS content and skill mastery, students design, implement and complete a capstone project that demonstrates students’ leadership capacity and capability to conduct improvement in healthcare. Some students implement improvement projects in their local home institutions, while others seek to have statewide, national and international impact.

Example Capstone Projects

  • Development of standardized shoulder dystocia drills for clinical obstetrical staff at NorthShore University Health System. (RN, Illinois)
  • Development and implementation of structured inter-disciplinary rounds, which reduced adverse events by 50 percent in intervention units as compared to controls units at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. (MD, Illinois)
  • Pertussis immunization improvement project resulting in an 82 percent increase in administration in the ED and a 14 percent increase in the urgent care setting from baseline at Mercy Health System. (PharmD, Wisconsin)
  • Developing the infrastructure and responsible board for a combined international reporting system repository for device-related adverse event reporting. (MBA, International)
  • Design and implementation of the Healthcare Leadership in Quality curriculum for residents at Penn Medicine. (MD, Pennsylvania)
  • Development of a provincial trauma transfer protocol for patients moving from Prince George Regional Hospital to Vancouver General Hospital. (British Columbia, MD)
  • First implementation of a program of early childhood developmental screening and follow-up in Mexico, including appropriate metrics, as well as establishing national reimbursement for these services for providers in Mexico. (Instituto de Pediatría, Techológico de Monterrey, MD, Mexico)
  • Improved access to care for the inmates in the San Francisco County Jail with a standardized sick call process and triage guidelines and implementing a revised medical care request form to solicit better information from the patients. (MSPH, California)
  • Development of an early warning system and subsequent steps to reduce sepsis mortality by 36.6 percent and annual mortality by 20 percent at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System at Chicago. (MBA, Illinois)
  • Development of a toolkit to reduce workplace violence against healthcare professionals from patients across institutions affiliated with the Washington State Hospital Association. (RN, JD, Washington)