About Us
The Center for Advanced Microscopy (CAM) is proud to have received from the Northwestern University Office for Research Outstanding Core Facility Award for the past 10 years. Our work is generously supported by Northwestern University Office of Research, Feinberg School of Medicine, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University and the Department of Cell & Developmental Biology.
CAM’s mission is to provide support and access to cutting-edge imaging. Our expertise can accelerate your research."

Nikon Imaging Center
The Nikon Imaging Center (NIC) at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is an integral part of our center and its shared space. NIC offers 24-hour access to its equipment and numerous training opportunities.
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Policies & Acknowledgment
Find out how to properly acknowledge our center and review our policies on use and billing.
Contact Us
We welcome your questions and comments. Find out how to connect with our team.