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Alphabetical Listing

Below is an alphabetical list of all faculty appointed at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, with links to their Feinberg faculty profiles. View the profiles to contact our faculty, learn about their clinical and research interests, view their educational accomplishments, and more.

Abdala Valencia, Hiam

Abdala Valencia, Hiam

Associate Professor, Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)

Abdalla, Ramez N

Abdalla, Ramez N

Assistant Professor, Radiology (Interventional Neuroradiology)

Abdel Mohsen, Mohamed

Abdel Mohsen, Mohamed

Associate Professor, Medicine (Infectious Diseases)

Abdulkadir, Sarki A

Abdulkadir, Sarki A

Professor, Urology, Pathology

Abdulla, Ra-id

Abdulla, Ra-id

Professor, Pediatrics (Cardiology)

Abdullah, Fizan

Abdullah, Fizan

Professor, Surgery (Pediatric General Surgery)

Abihider, Katherine E

Abihider, Katherine E

Lecturer, Obstetrics and Gynecology (Clinical Genetics)

Abraham, Alin K

Abraham, Alin K

Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine (General Internal Medicine)

Abraham, Anub A

Abraham, Anub A

Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine (Hospital Medicine)

Abraham, Jeevan C

Abraham, Jeevan C

Clinical Assistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine