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Research done by investigators affiliated with the Center for Behavior & Health (CBH) addresses several overarching themes. The first is health behavior change. Behavioral risk factors (obesity, tobacco use, poor-quality diet, physical inactivity, risky substance use, unsafe sex, poor sun protection, insufficient sleep) are the most prevalent preventable risk factors for chronic disease. CBH health behavior change scientists study determinants of the onset and maintenance of health risk behaviors. They investigate biobehavioral mechanisms whereby unhealthy behaviors "get under the skin" to compromise health, and they develop, optimize and evaluate interventions that promote healthy lifestyle behaviors. A second CBH research theme concerns psychosocial and contextual influences on illness and quality of life. This work aims to help patients manage adverse psychological, social and environmental influences that could otherwise disrupt illness management and treatment adherence. A third theme concerns implementation and sustainment of evidence-based, tailored health practices by facilitating integration into service delivery systems. Explore the examples below to see illustrative current grants in each domain by CBH investigators. 

Selected Grants

Nutrition Precision Health

Nutrition Precision Health for All of Us (Chicago Center) PIs: Van Horn, Cornelis, Ho - Enrolls research participants from the All of Us Program to implement DASH diet modules targeting blood pressure reduction in order to provide causal and mechanistic insight into diet’s role in blood pressure (BP) regulation, laying groundwork for personalized diet recommendations for BP control. 2022 – 2027 UG1 HD107697

Linda V Van Horn - PI

linda_van_horn.jpegLinda V Van Horn, PHD, RD

Marilyn Cornelis - MPI

mary_cornelis.jpgMarilyn C Cornelis, PhD

Joyce Ho, PhD - MPI

joyce_ho.jpegJoyce Ho, PhD


The Center for Innovation in Point-of-Care Technologies for HIV/AIDS and Emerging Infectious Diseases at Northwestern University (C-THAN) PIs: McFall, Achenbach, Murphy - Supports the development of point-of-care and home-based technology specifically designed to diagnose and manage HIV/AIDS, related conditions, and emerging infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries with emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa. 2022 – 2027 NIBIB U54 EB027049

Sally McFall - MPI

mcfall-sally-t.jpgSally McFall

Chad J Achenbach - MPI

chad-j-achenbach.jpegChad J Achenbach, MD, MPH

Robert Murphy - MPI

robert-murphy.pngRobert L Murphy, MD


Scalable TELeheaLth Cancer CARe, PIs: Spring, Garcia, Hitsman, Phillips - The STELLAR Program to Treat Cancer Risk Behaviors Pragmatic trial conducted throughout all Northwestern Medicine regions evaluates a unified telehealth protocol to treat multiple risk behaviors (smoking, physical inactivity, obesity) simultaneously and scalably among cancer survivors. Outcomes are reach, clinical effectiveness, and costs. 2022 – 2027 P50 CA271353

Sofia Garcia - MPI

sofia garcia photoSofia Garcia, PhD

Brian Hitsman - MPI

brian-l-hitsman-phd.jpegBrian L Hitsman, PhD

Siobhan Phillips - MPI

siobhan-m-phillips-phd-mph.jpeg Siobhan M Phillips, PhD, MPH

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