Improving Outcomes of Adolescents in Residential Substance Use Treatment via a Technology-Assisted Parenting Intervention The Research Adoption Support Center: SUD Implementation Core
Access to evidence-based interventions remains woefully limited throughout the U.S. health care system, particularly for historically marginalized populations such as Black/African-Americans, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, Asian Americans, and the uninsured. Equitable translation of research findings into practice is the domain of dissemination and implementation (D&I) science. The Research Adoption Support Center (RASC) is a support center that helps projects funded through the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s Data2Action network to infuse implementation science methods, models, and measures into their work. The SUD Implementation Support (SUD-IS) Core will bring the best of D&I science to the Innovation Projects to guide the selection, implementation, and sustainment of evidence-based, locally appropriate SUD interventions to reduce overdose risk in hard hit communities.
Project Details
- Dates: September 2022 – August 2027
- Funding source: National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Grant number: U2CDA057717
- Principal investigators of the SUD-IS Core: Sara Becker, PhD, (contact PI); Bryan Garner, PhD
- Principal investigators of RASC: Mark McGovern, PhD (contact PI); Sara Becker, PhD, Hendricks Brown, PhD, Will Becker, PhD
- Affiliate faculty: Kelli Scott, PhD, Sarah Helseth, PhD
- Project staff: Elizabeth Casline, PhD, MSc, Sarah Salino