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Our members are investigators who study autism and related neurodevelopmental disorder. Browse the list below to learn more about them and their work.

Savas, Jeffrey N

Savas, Jeffrey N

Assistant Professor of Neurology (Behavioral Neurology), Medicine (Nephrology and Hypertension) and Pharmacology


My research interests are centered on elucidating the pathogenic mechanisms which drive synaptopathies and proteinopathies in the mammalian nervous system. As a first step, we use reductionist biochem... [more]

Shepherd, Gordon MG

Shepherd, Gordon MG

Professor of Neuroscience


Local synaptic circuits in motor-frontal cortex engage in neural operations underlying many aspects of cognition and behavior – motor control, executive functions, working memory, and more – yet circu... [more]

Smith, Richard S

Smith, Richard S

Assistant Professor of Pharmacology

Swanson, Geoffrey T

Swanson, Geoffrey T

Professor of Pharmacology and Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences


My research focuses predominantly on understanding physiological processes mediated by glutamate receptors, which are signaling proteins that respond to glutamate, the predominant excitatory neurotran... [more]

Watterson, Daniel Martin

Watterson, Daniel Martin

Professor of Pharmacology


The elucidation of eukaryotic signal transduction pathways, the study of signal transduction pathway perturbation in disease or injury, and the utilization of this knowledgebase for rational drug disc... [more]

Weiss, Craig

Weiss, Craig

Research Professor of Neuroscience


learning and memory, multiple single-unit electrophysiology, fMRI, behavior, classical conditioning, rabbit, transgenic mice, knockout mice, alzheimer's disease, hippocampus, cerebellum, aging

Wu, Jane Y

Wu, Jane Y

Professor of Neurology (Neuromuscular Disease)


My primary research interests are in molecular mechanisms of gene regulation, particularly those involved in neural development and neural degeneration. My lab is focusing on two areas, RNA regulation... [more]